Coffee Travel Wine

Coffee, Wine, Travel & ME

January 22, 2016

It’s recently 2016 and this year I have decided to truly pursue my passion for travel. I will turn 34 this April and I realize I have been holding myself back from one of the things I enjoy the most…exploring the world and new things! Though I have been lucky enough to travel with some frequency, I want and need to travel more.  This leads me to where I am now, creating a blog and planning new adventures for 2016!

A little bit about me: I consider myself an accomplished Corporate Sales Representative (hence the need and love of coffee & wine). I will not be quitting my job anytime soon. I cannot deny that I like to travel in style and my job supports that effort! I have been married for almost 6 years to my wonderful and supportive husband. And, we have a puggle pup named Tuco who is 3. In terms of travel, my husband and I get the opportunity to go on extended vacation twice a year together. My husband travels frequently for work which has enable me to sometimes travel with him and more frequently visit my out of state family and friends (Washington, North Carolina & Florida). This year I plan to venture out further and explore more of the world, even if it’s solo.  While I love the company of my husband, family, or friends, some of my travel aspirations are independent of them. I already have potentially two solo travel trips planned. A volunteer trip to Peru and a weekend trip to Montreal, though I may end up with a companion for the latter. My husband and I also plan to visit Paris & Amsterdam in the Spring and our late summer trip is still to be determined.

I am so excited to blog and share the adventures that await me as I drink coffee and wine and travel.

“Not all who wander are lost” – JRR Tolkein

“Travelling leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a storyteller.” – IBN Battuta

“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar



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